Eduardo Ventilari Sodré


I'm a first year math Ph.D. student at Brown University. Previously I was an undergraduate at the Mathematics and Statistics Institute of the University of São Paulo (IME-USP). I am currently a Chancellor Robert Fellow at Brown.

I studied Riemannian geometry for my undegraduate thesis under Prof. Claudio Gorodski, as the FAPESP project 21/10816-4.

I am interested in holomorphic dynamics, quasiconformal maps, Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller spaces, differential geometry and ergodic theory.

I was an organizer of the S4 student seminar group at IME-USP, which aims to present interesting topics and ideas in math to undergraduate students. Here is a link to some past seminars on Youtube.


Office: Room 011, Kassar House

Email: eduardo_ventilari_sodre[at]brown[dot]edu

Last updated on 06/14/2024.