Recent Projects
Thurston Theory
An alternative proof of Thurston's topological criterion
, via an object called the Rees Space.
A proof that polynomial-like, critically periodic Thurston maps are unobstructed.
Calculation of an asymptotic lower bound
for the smallest possible geodesic during an unobstructed Thurston iteration.
Complex Dynamics
Some drawings and proofs about annuli, children and quadratic Yoccoz puzzles.
more thoughts, proofs and exercises
in reference to Milnor's paper on quadratic Yoccoz puzzles.
Solutions and thoughts on Milnor's book
Dynamics in One Complex Variable
Introduction to holomorphic dynamics.
Complex Analysis and Geometry
Basic results on the theory of ends.
Introduction to the theory of quasiconformal maps.
Presentation on the theory of distributions
(in portuguese).
to go back.